
Amazon Spreadsheet Templates

Work Smarter, Not Harder!
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Amazon Spreadsheet Templates Created By Us

With the recent integration of Amazon Seller Central and Google Sheets, there is a massive push to use much more detailed and intricate spreadsheets to help manage the data of your business. Many of these spreadsheets can be found in a spreadsheet template format from several different websites, and they can be used to provide much deeper insight into how your business is operating and where you can improve.


Many people with Amazon Seller Central accounts, however, don’t realize the variety of spreadsheet template options that are available, and how those template options can bring value to their business. We’re going to dig into some of the most informative spreadsheet templates, and what each of them does. We’ll also cover how to integrate them with your Amazon Seller Central account if you’re relatively new to using spreadsheets with your Amazon account.



Higher Number
of Searches

High Amount of
Brand Loyalty


Using A Spreadsheet Template With Your Account

The spreadsheets will almost always be built around the Google Sheets spreadsheet format since it’s a free platform that offers incredible versatility, functionality, power, and integration. While created in Google, they can generally be easily saved as XLSX file formats to be compatible with Microsoft Excel.

One thing to note, however, is that many of the sheets you’ll find for these reports will have complex calculations and formulas, potentially even automation, that Microsoft Excel doesn’t support right off the bat. If you aren’t very experienced with spreadsheets, working with Google Sheets would be wiser since it is a much simpler suite to learn and is very beginner-friendly.

Any Google Sheets spreadsheet template can be easily copied to your own Google Sheets account with just a few quick steps. After a little looking around online, you’ve found a handful of spreadsheet templates that you want to bring over to your platforms to use with your business.

After opening each one, you will need to navigate to the File menu in the top left corner of the screen, and you will need to select Make A Copy. This will duplicate the entire spreadsheet workbook into another file. This file will generally go right to the main directory in your Google Drive. From there you can use the spreadsheet straight away, or you can use it to harvest data from your Amazon Seller Central account.


Get Started Right


Top Amazon Spreadsheet Template Types

Simple Amazon Fee Calculator

Sometimes all you need to get the information you want is a very simple fee calculator. The most basic fee calculator for Amazon sellers will require just two numeric inputs, the length and the weight of the product. This type of calculator won’t take into account any other variables, such as costs or other dimensions, which can slow data entry when only specific data points are needed. There should be two categories, one for clothing, and one for everything else since clothing has a different fee structure than other products. 

Amazon Profit & Loss Spreadsheet

When it comes to charging fees, Amazon is the undisputed king. In the payment reports for Amazon sellers, there are more than 150 different seller fees that can be assigned. If you can’t tell the difference between one fee and another, there is no hope of keeping your P&L statements and taxes accurately calculated. With the right template, you can have a spreadsheet that automatically updates by ASIN/SKU. 

Sales & Traffic By Child Item Detail Page Analysis

Many sellers feel that Amazon is continually trying to make the data that people need, to make educated business decisions, harder. Additionally, the formatting and reports are constantly changing so it is also difficult to understand the data you can find. The right spreadsheet template will take your Amazon Seller Central data and collate it to display things like your best-selling product and associated stats, best converting product, and associated stats, top X sellers and their sales data, worst seller, worst converter, and bottom X sellers. 

Traffic & Sales Dashboard

Being able to have detailed, comprehensive traffic and sales analysis. This report will take a higher-level view of the overall business performance data, and deciphers it in the context of your sales and traffic. Once you’ve saved a copy of this template, you should be able to perform functions like drilling down to the best month, finding your best converting month as well as the conversion stats, worst month and conversion stats, slowest sales month, and more. More complex templates like this one will often have detailed instructions in the template from the creator. 

Customer Search Term Advertising Report

Advertising reports are going to be incredibly valuable for you and your business, and the customer search term report is the first of two primary types of advertising reports. This will be a spreadsheet that pulls the search term that each customer entered that eventually led them to your product. These reports will often measure either ROAS or ACoS, though ROAS will often be a more effective indicator since ACoS will be null if you have zero sales. This report should let you see things like key stats related to customer searches, keywords with the highest revenue, best and worst ACoS keyword, top X keywords, and even your keywords with the highest ad spend. 

Targeting Keyword Advertising Report

The second of the two primary advertising reports will be your targeting keyword advertising report. This report should be designed to mine the data and stats related to the keywords already in your ad campaign. Your ROAS is going to be the primary metric here, since just as with the customer search term report, the ACoS metric can become useless if a particular item has no sales. Boosting your ROAS means your return is rising in comparison to your ad spend. Since this template will often have to do a lot of repetitive functions, they will often use complex MATCH & INDEX functions, which can make it difficult for the inexperienced to edit or customize.

Product Details & Attributes Listing

A great template for a basic spreadsheet is one that shows your listings, categories, review links, and similar data points. This is often like a diary or log to constantly monitor listing performance and how that performance can change over time. Generally created to be updated monthly, weekly, or even daily.

Detailed Sales Performance Report

One of the most popular spreadsheet templates people search for is one that can provide a comprehensive and detailed look at the sales data for a particular seller. It’s important that this spreadsheet also has the versatility to collate and sort data over many different time periods. Sellers will often want to see sales data grouped in ways like “yesterday”, “last week”, “this time last month”, “this time last year”, and more.


Our Proven 3 Step Success Formula


Purchase Wholesale Merchandise

We buy millions of dollars of high quality big-brand name merchandise directly from manufactures and big box retailers. We pass on an amazing (wholesale price) to you. We own our warehouse and fulfill your manifest in blazing speed. We carry many big brand names that the vast majority of sellers struggle to acquire.


We Ship to Amazon and Manage Your Store

We Move Fast! As your order is being fulfilled at the warehouse, the upload team is optimizing your listings simultaneously.

1) We inspect, pack, prep, polybag, fold and ship to Amazon.
2) We upload each individual item.
3) We optimize each listing.

We Do the Heavy Lifting!


Amazon Ships to Customer and You Get Paid

When a customer makes an order on Amazon from your store via Amazon FBA, the item is delivered to the customer. Amazon professional sellers generally get paid by Amazon every two weeks. Each payment includes 14 days of orders that were successfully delivered seven days ago.

Limited Monthly Spots Available


The Amazon Junkies Can Simplify Running Your Amazon Business

If setting up all of these reports, keeping them current, and using them effectively sounds like it may be too complex for the time that you have available, there’s an easier way than doing it yourself. By partnering with a firm like The Amazon Junkies, sellers can leverage automatic store and brand management, as well as high degrees of automation. For more information, reach out today and find out how we can help you take your Amazon business to the next level. 


Limited Monthly Spots Available


Entry Package for Clients looking to
grow a new Amazon FBA/FBM Store
$ 10,000
  • Wholesale Pricing
  • Online Support Access
  • Profit Sharing 60/40 (You/Us)


Mid-Tier bundle for those wanting to scale
their stores sizeably
$ 20,000
  • Wholesale Pricing
  • 3 Restricted Brand Approvals
  • Profit Sharing 70/30 (You/Us)


All in bundle for those looking to take
their stores to the top
$ 30,000
  • Wholesale Pricing
  • 10 Restricted Approvals
  • Profit Sharing 75/25 (You/Us)

Get Started Right Now